lunedì 24 ottobre 2011

The Unreasonable Freak-Out Over Facebook's Claim That Some Of Your Personal Data Is Its Intellectual Property

A group based in Austria that calls itself Europe v. Facebook, has been waging a campaign to get Facebook to reveal everything it knows about its users. Its biggest weapon in this campaign is an EU law that requires companies to provide people reports with all of the personal information they have on that person. I went through one female Facebooker’s 800+page report last month, and told you about the juiciest parts. But Europe v. Facebook is still thirsty, and says Facebook is withholding some juice!

When group founder Max Schrems got his lengthy report, he noted that it was missing some information, such as his biometrical faceprint (a facial recognition tool that Facebook uses to identify people in photos) and his “likes.” Facebook sent Schrems a letter explaining that the data it withheld was a “trade secret or intellectual property” [pdf].

That has led to a series of angry reports, like this one from TechDirt, lambasting Facebook for claiming that OUR data is FACEBOOK’s intellectual property. While it’s always fun to write angry posts about how Facebook is destroying life as we know it and turning us into its Farmville-playing, photo-clicking, status-update-obsessed slaves, I think these recent stories are off-base in their analysis.

For one, as mentioned, I read through one of those Facebook reports and it revealed a lot of data. It turned this woman’s four years on Facebook into an epic of a length that rivals War and Peace, providing a history of everyone who had ever poked her instead of a history of Russia. If the report had been any longer, I’d accuse Facebook of “pulling a law firm” –that is, overwhelming a party during discovery by sending them massive amounts of documents in response to a request, to make it nearly impossible to find the needle in the haystack.

If Facebook chooses to hold back information like the biometric faceprint — which Facebook calls a “tag suggest” — that makes sense to me. That’s a request not for personal information, but for the technology that has been built on top of that personal information. It should be sufficient instead for Facebook to say that it has or does not have a faceprint for a given user.

I asked Facebook about its rationale for withholding this data.

“Facebook provided Mr. Schrems and his group with all of the information required in response to their request,” says spokesman Barry Schnitt via e-mail. “Their request included requests for information on a range of other things that are not personal information, including Facebook’s proprietary fraud protection measures, and ‘any other analytical procedure that Facebook runs’. This is clearly not personal data, and Irish data protection law rightly places some valuable and reasonable limits on the data that has to be provided.”

We all love transparency. I was, for example, a big fan of the little hacking tool that shows users who Facebook thinks they’re most interested in. But a law that gives people the right to know what a company knows about them shouldn’t be misinterpreted as a law that requires Facebook to reveal how its technology — as applied to each individual’s personal data — works.

Schrem’s request would mean that Facebook would need to shed light on the algorithms it uses to populate your news feed, suggest friends to you, and determine whether a log-in looks suspicious. While I would love to see that — assuming I could make sense of the code — I imagine so would spammers, engineers from competing companies and hackers wanting to break into accounts.

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